By Pranjal Jain
Modern day computer systems are far too complex to be explained through one key process. They contain a mx of hardware and software working together with several other components to deliver us the smoothest possible computing experience. Even if we look at just the software part of such an environment, there are so many inner lines of code topped by a graphical user interface, that there is a potential of so much going wrong without us noticing. At times, it does happen that a feature that was implemented to help smoothen the user experience, becomes the cause to disrupt it.

By Raghav Chandak
You may be spared from typing pesky passwords in the future. Instead of typing your password, you may only have to think about it, thanks to a new wireless headset device developed by researchers.

Remembering passwords for all your sites can get annoying. There are only so many punctuation, number substitutes and uppercase variations you can recall, and writing them down for all to find is hardly an option.

By Aakansha Mirdha
Popular messaging app WhatsApp denied claims that Google was in advanced talks to purchase the firm, the second time such a rumour has been debunked in recent memory.

WhatsApp's Neeraj Arora, the company's head of business development, told all things that sales talks are not being held with Google.